kid life
Sundays at 9:15AM & 11AM
Contact: Lisa Thornson –
We love and value children here at Word of Life! Kid Life is a place where children come to learn about and get to know Jesus, make friends, and grow up confident in who God created them to be.

Kid’s Bible Club
Wednesday Nights 6:00-8:00 pm
Contact: Gwen Sieler –
K-5th Grade
KBC is our midweek children’s ministry dedicated to teaching young children more about God, while also having lots of fun! We also having monthly family events that are sure to provide a fun time for everyone!
Wednesday Nights 6:00-8:00pm
Contact: Kaleb Haub –
Collide Youth Ministry (6-12th Grade)
Collide is our youth ministry dedicated to leading students into a powerful and personal relationship with Christ.

Join manly men from Word of Life over a meal and unhurried conversation. We all need to be encouraged and grow by each other’s wisdom and the Word of God.
Women’s bible study
Contact: Pastor Laura at

Season’s Ministry is on pause for the summer. We invite Seniors to join our upcoming family events… as they are for the whole church family!
Mondays at 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Contact: Pam Adams – (406) 655-2002
Join Pam Adams, the Prayer Team leader, and others for a time of lifting up our congregants’ needs, the church and its staff, our city, state, and our nation in prayer. We also offer individual prayer at the front of the Worship Center after each Sunday service.

Our missions’ ministry philosophy here at Word of Life is also one of our core values: “Reaching Neighbors and Nations for Christ.” We demonstrate this in 3 words: Go, Send, and Serve.