Kid’s Bible Club

Kids Bible Club – KBC – is a high-energy midweek encounter with God for our elementary age (K-5th) kids! KBC is designed for consistent exposure to God and His kingdom in order to grow in faith. We go deeper on Bible topics like the 10 Commandments, the Apostle’s Creed, the Armor of God, the Lord’s Prayer, Proverbs, and more!
Not only do we study and memorize our handbook for life, the B-I-B-L-E, but KBC also provides opportunities to build and strengthen Christian friendships which is crucial for young Christians today.
Wednesday night is Youth Night at Word of Life and KBC meets from 5:45–7:45pm in the main sanctuary year round. There is a break in July while summer camps are underway and Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks, but otherwise we are here.
The weekly format is simple. After checking in, the kids hop in a group with one of our awesome volunteers who go through a series of scriptures and Bible knowledge memory work that is continually built upon and enlarging. From there they head into Sanctuary Social where they catch up with their friends and leaders to a backdrop of upbeat worship music and address a weekly icebreaker!
At 6:15pm we begin with the night’s program which includes prayer, worship, games, sword drills, challenging Bible lessons, and of course snacks! It’s all designed to lift these young people up and train them to know their God and be light and bring hope to this world – sending them out encouraged and inspired.
Kingdom life is full of greatness and purpose, and we aim to make this time a highlight of the week – something kids want to invite their friends to! Every child is welcomed in and valued just as they are, for Jesus said in Mark 10:14, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
Join us for Wednesday Night Kid’s Bible Club!
When: Every Wednesday from 6:00-8:00pm
Where: Word of Life Church Main Sanctuary
Who: Kindergarten – 5th grade
Watch for monthly family events!